Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

This morning, I visited a devotion site I read from time to time. Feeling frustrated this morning about the difficulties of life, I find myself feeling "beaten". The reading this morning addressed the storms of life and the purpose for them... it totally spoke to my current state of mind, so I thought I would share it here, too. Maybe it will speak to you... Devotion

The other thing it brought to mind was the need to keep going and to keep praying-- whatever the circumstances of life-- good or bad. And, to trust that God will still bless us through the storms, pits and valleys. I posted this song on my personal blog today and it's just such a powerful reminder, I thought it belonged here, too:

And lastly, I've been thinking a lot about the kind of home I would like to have... one that relies on the strength of God, not on my own, or on my trust of others. Sometimes, we all feel alone, let down, like there's no one we can depend on. I am realizing through the struggles, that there is a purpose in that feeling. People will let you down, God never will. Our homes need to be built on that and nothing less.

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