Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12 2007: Quiet

I don't know if anyone has been reading this blog-- but if you have, I want to apologize for not being here. While I have been quiet here, my spirit has not been quiet and that has kept me from writing my devotional. More importantly, I have allowed it to keep me from doing my devotionals at all and from spending time with God. I've allowed myself to lose my focus and to focus on things that are worrisome instead of giving all of it over to God. It was not intentional, but I have turned my attentions inward in my worry, and I am still struggling with that now. I am sorry to have allowed it to keep me from the thing that would have helped me the most. And if you have been reading this, I am sorry to have not been here.

Today, I finally allowed myself to pick up the "Let Go" book I have been reading for my devotional and I wanted to share some of what it said.

This reading was from letter 17-- the header, "Quietness in God is our True Resource".
According to this letter, if we allow "self" to get in the way, "We are constantly afraid of not saying or doing enough. We get angry, excited, exhausted, distracted..." and, it goes on to say, "And you will be better off both physically and spiritually when you quietly place everything in God's hands." The text also goes on to explain that humans are humans-- "People will always be weak, vain, unreliable, unfair, hypocritical and arrogant."

I know that I have placed too much trust into human hands, while also allowing that to contribute to my own worries-- humans cannot fix everything-- we are all imperfect. I know that I need to heed these words from this letter, "Rest in peace in the bosom of God"-- he does know it's purpose and has allowed it-- there is a purpose in it all and He wants to take my burden.

Rather than keep quiet in my worry, and rather than allow myself to put all my needs on humans, I just need to quietly give it all to Him. Easier said than done, I know... but I am trying. If you're struggling with giving control to Him, let go and give it a try with me.


barbr said...

I check this blog! I wanted to let you know that I really look forward to reading your devotionals and completely understand the feeling of yourself getting in the way of your life with God. Thanks for the reminders to put it all on God!

R. Lynn Baker said...

Thank you so much for your comment! I really felt led to do the devotional blog, so it is so good to know that someone is reading it. :) Again, so sorry to be missing the last few days-- I'm working on putting my focus back where it needs to be-- a work in progress. :)

Thanks again and many blessings to you!